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UK wedding photographers working together to beautifully capture the story of your unique day.


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Annwyl & Huw ~ Married!

Polly and Simon Photography

We love to travel for weddings. We especially love to travel for weddings when it involves one of the most beautiful areas of the UK...

Back in May Annwyl & Huw were married in gorgeous Snowdonia up in North Wales. Their bilingual Welsh / English ceremony took place in a tiny little church in Llandecwyn, at the top of an enormous hill that we seriously struggled to get up in a little city car! However, the 360˚ panoramic views of coast and mountains from the top more than made up for the slight terror at the thought of the car giving up and rolling back down the hill! 

Annwyl's hair was woven with wildflowers which matched her bouquet, and her wedding dress was laced with Celtic influence. The laid-back ceremony was filled with laughter from all sides as the happy couple exchanged vows.

After the ceremony, we drove down country lanes trailing the couple in Huw's dad's restored vintage car, heading to Cors Y Gedol Hall, a beautiful Elizabethan manor house nestled at the foot of one of Snowdonia's impressive hills. This stunning venue is surrounded by woodland, which in May was carpeted in bluebells and wild garlic. 

Of course, we couldn't let the surrounding areas go to waste - especially as the golden hour was settling in, so we headed off after the speeches and wedding breakfast with Annwyl & Huw for some quiet time together strolling among the bluebells. 

There was time for a quick bouquet toss...

...before the first dance, after which the dancefloor filled up faster than perhaps any other wedding we've attended. However, the gorgeous late spring weather drew people back outside again quickly to make the most of the light evening.

Just in case the day hadn't been visually stunning enough, we were treated to a firework display just after sunset. We hung around to get some photos of this before heading off, with a barn owl flying along next to us as we drove down the venue's enormous driveway. Great end to a truly memorable wedding!